Credit notes

You now have the ability to see and create Credit notes from within Hamlet.

You will find these in the invoices tab of any company profile with Credits.

There is also now a Credit note list, a single place to review existing credit notes for customers, with a direct connection to XERO.

To create a credit note.

  1. Navigate to the member's profile and invoices tab.
  2. On the invoice for which you wish to create a credit note, select from actions "create a credit note."
  3. Select the items you wish to create a credit for
    1. Note you can adjust the credit amount if it’s for just a partial credit.
  4. Create the credit note, which will be visible in the Hamlet admin, in XERO, and also noted as an amount in the Customer portal billing area.

To apply for a credit note.

This process is automatic for members, so any credit notes existing on an account will be applied to the next upcoming invoice when billed on the due date.

Else you can generate an invoice manually from Hamlet, and apply these to the invoice in XERO for casual users.

Credit note list

For easier credit note management, find a list of all credit notes per location now in Accounting>Account Receivable>Credit notes.

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