Notification Control

All staff will now find an incredibly useful feature in your personal profile.

You now have granular control over the types of notifications you receive and where you would like to receive them. 

Choose to receive notifications in the Hamlet app, via Slack, email, or all 3.

So no matter if you are at the desk or on the go, you won’t miss important notifications that require your attention.

Reworked in-app notifications allow a central place for all notifications, allowing you better oversight of what you need to keep an eye on.

You can now manage your leads from your mobile. With a new intuitive UX design, you’ll find the UI easier to manage on any device.

We’ve also introduced mini lead profiles to keep the UI cleaner and reveal only the most important info in a single click.

There’s a lot more to come for the CRM, and we’ll keep you updated.

Note: The CRM is now mobile-optimized! Stay tuned for our awesome updates in the future! 

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