Paying overdue invoices

As we do not have a 'pay now' ability on invoices yet, this is the suggested workaround:

  1. Update the customer's payment details with the respective card details they want to use to pay the overdue invoice.

  2. Alert Accounts Team to use Integrapay to process this invoice again.

  3. The account must click the 'retry Xero invoice transaction' button in the Integrapay console.

  4. This will process the payment that day.

  5. Once the payment has been processed, you can either leave the card details in the account or update the customer requests to other details.

Annoyingly, Integrapay only allows for a single set of payment details to be stored, so even though it's a little clunky, it's secure and compliant. 

Note: Due to security and compliance issues, it is illegal to send or store Credit Card details within any notes within Hamlet.

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